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Prenuptial Agreements Attorney in Commack, New York
Prenuptial Agreements are contracts between prospective spouses who are contemplating marriage. The agreement defines the property rights of each party during the marriage and in the event of separation or divorce. It can also be used to clarify the terms of a will in the case of the death of either spouse. The agreement can provide for the division of assets and debts obtained during the marriage and establish ownership of assets brought into the marriage. In the event of a divorce, this agreement can act as the basis of a settlement agreement, reducing the issues that create a major amount of conflict.
Agreements can set amounts or eliminate spousal maintenance. It can also help to shield one spouse from the debt of the other spouse. Prenuptial agreements must be in writing, signed, and acknowledged in a specified manner and becomes effective upon marriage. Here are just a few of the reasons why you may want to create a prenuptial agreement:
You are wealthier than your partner.
You own or are a partner of a business.
Your partner has accrued debt.
You are planning to quit your job to raise children.
You are remarrying.
Start Your Marriage Off on
the Right Foot with a Prenup
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How Joel Salinger Can Help You
As a New York lawyer with years of experience in the preparation of prenuptial agreements, Joel Salinger can help you. Joel and his staff can help negotiate equitable and fair agreements that will protect your assets and rights in the event of a separation or divorce. He understands that it is the job of a lawyer to draft an agreement that satisfies the client’s situation and desires.
Prenuptial Agreements and Child Custody
While a prenuptial agreement can set forth the desired outcome concerning custody and child support, the Court will not enforce any child custody or support agreement that it finds is not in the child’s best interests. A properly crafted agreement will make these issues less stressful and less likely a court will disregard the terms of the agreement.
Postnuptial Agreements:
Lawyers Help to Safeguard Your Rights
A postnuptial agreement is created after marriage. Couples often choose postnuptial agreements when circumstances suddenly change shortly after their union. As an example, a postnuptial agreement may be sought to protect a new business. Additionally, as a divorce attorney can explain to you, a postnuptial agreement offers a detailed plan of your property and assets if your marriage fails.