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Defending You
I always ask new clients after we have performed a service for them why they chose me to represent them. Some answers are obvious – they were referred by family or friends. It pleases me to hear that because I sincerely believe the highest compliment you can give is the referral of a new client. For that reason, if you are visiting our website today and are not here as the results of a referral, I want to encourage you to watch our testimonials and listen to what others have had to say who came to us the same way you have.
For those of you who are perhaps visiting this and other attorney websites today, you likely have lots of questions. You may be confused about the steps, consequences, and costs of a legal matter that you may be involved in. Let me urge you to consider this:
There is the law that is written in law books. We call that black law.
And then there is the law that is handed out each day in courtrooms across America.
It’s the second type that I’d like to speak to you about. That law is sometimes imperfect. It often varies from courtroom to courtroom, judge to judge, and case to case. If any lawyer tells you that he or she will give you a 100% guarantee that he can predict with certainty the successful outcome of your case, reconsider your next steps. You may want to consider hiring him or her (if you can afford their fees) or be sure you know what is meant by success.
In the law office of Joel R. Salinger, P.C., I deal in reality. And whether your case is a divorce action, criminal, DWI, or traffic violation, I believe my clients deserve to hear the truth - the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In counties and boroughs across the state, statistics show that most cases are settled before trial or go to trial with a predetermined disposition. It’s especially in those cases where the value of my firm excels and why you may be happy if you decide to hire me as your lawyer.
For a Free Consultation
Call Me NowAs your lawyer, I am fully committed to defending you, and I honor my commitment by:
Fully understanding your case
Thoroughly explaining the law to you
Digging deep for evidence
Being persuasive
Fighting for your freedom, your rights, or to mitigate costs to you in your personal and professional life
I pride myself on developing effective strategies that fit my clients' needs. I strive to be a forceful, persuasive advocate. I equally pride myself on having compassion and respect for each client, listening attentively to whatever my clients tell me, and applying my best efforts to resolve their concerns.
Though each situation is different, my aim is always the same: to achieve the best result possible for each client. In a particular case, the best result possible might be joint custody or equitable distribution of marital property. It might be the peace of mind that a loved one has in their golden years. It might be dismissal of the charges or acquittal at trial. The best result might be a guilty plea that results in a shorter prison term than could otherwise be achieved. The best result might be a lesser charge that enables a person to pay substantially less fines and retain their license to drive. You will determine which result I seek. I will do my best to achieve your goal.
I can promise you this: I understand how to negotiate your position with other lawyers and prosecutors. I understand courtroom strategy and always strive to achieve justice in your favor. At the Law Office of Joel R. Salinger, P.C. I have successfully represented individuals and corporations against an impressively broad range of matrimonial, family law, and criminal charges, and I will do the same for you.